Welcome to Citl.org Information Technology and Health 

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The field of medicine has been enriched with a plethora of new technologies and new ways of using already existing technologies.

This rush of new tech and new ideas has given information technology departments quite the run for their money.  Hospitals and doctor’s offices are now moving towards electronic medical records so that their patient’s health information may be shared faster and more reliably than ever before.  These new health apps which make patient records easily accessible are sometimes referred to as telehealth technologies.  Essentially, this healthcare information transferred through health apps can be used to determine health insurance status as well as any allergies to medications and even the results of lab work or physical examinations.  This use of information technology also allows doctors to look at x-rays and MRIs from health apps on their smartphones and are perfect for technology leadership.

Delivering health information to insurance companies, doctors and healthcare providers is only one way that these telehealth technologies are helping patients.  Another excellent use of health apps is for allowing patients to check up on their lab results in a confidential and secure online environment.